Sunday, January 3, 2010

Listen Up!!!

Hello everyone! Just wanted to tell ya that there is MUSIC on the blog now! My goal is to provide you new music each week that maybe you want to check out or download--all of it is music that the 'Junkies' work out to! What I would REALLY like is for YOU ALL to leave suggestions under comments on what songs you move and groove to! It can be anything--country, oldies, christian--whatever works for you! You will probably always be able to distinguish my faves from the other 'Junkies', because I love hip-hop, rap and techno!! If you hate it, please bear with us because it will always change!!!

Also, we want to know who is reading! I have had multiple facebook messages, emails and comments from people who are reading, but not all of those people comment! PLEASE leave us a comment if you are reading!! You can leave it 'anonymous' and not create a blogger account--we just really want to know who is out there! Don't be shy or embarrassed if you are a "blog stalker"--actually, this blog is meant to be stalked, but in order for this type of blog to "work" we need to have a lot of readers and followers. One of my big dreams is to have monthly 'give-a-ways', but we may be a ways off from that unless you join the followers list!!!

SO SPEAK UP! Here is a challenge--LEAVE A COMMENT and suggest things you want us to write about OR what your favorite workout of all time is! This is just a test!

XOXO, The Junkies on the look out for pictures of how we spent New Years Night, pics of us working out this week {this is a surprise to the other 'junkies'! haha!}, and some polls we are going to be taking!


  1. gurrrrls, i be readin! keep up the good work! Can't wait to be a cardio junkie wit ya'll soon!!!

  2. would love to hear for example what you eat in a typical day. i have 2 little ones and often fall into the trap of quick snacking and eating "quick" not so healthy foods just b/c i don't have time! thanks! from laura in ohio (a blog stalker):) , i read your blog nicksterland too.

  3. OK, here I am, Nicki...the blog already know my questions/comments from Facebook...and looking over your answers, we do eat most of those things (good snacks) but I will tell you I ABHORE the elliptical...I can only do it for about 10 is the devil hurts SO BAD when I do it (the good kind of hurt, but it still hurts)...thanks for the suggestions...

  4. I don't have a blog, so I am posting as anonymous, but I love your idea. Could you please give some good tips on healthy meals that don't take too long to cook (since I have a tiny baby at home), and healthy snacks to eat on the go?

  5. I'm answering "Anonymous" b/c I am redirecting our focus on the way we eat and what we eat around our house, here's some suggestions of a quick lunch: handful of grapes, handful of Triscuit Thin Crisps (Quattro Formaggio are my favorite), a spoonful of garlic roasted hummus, and a boiled egg...I even add a piece of 100% whole grain wheat bread in there with almond butter on top...YUMMY, YUMMY! I've had that 2 days in a row, it's so good...good snacks are: almonds, 100% whole grain crackers (with a large fiber content), Laughing Cow cheese (Garlic and Herb is my favorite), a bottle of water (it will curve your hunger), fruit salad in a bowl (raspberries, blueberries, grapes, blackberries, strawberries)...make a big salad one night and then eat on for a few days...just some recent discoveries of mine that I love..enjoy!

  6. OK, I am a blogstalker. I found Nicksterland when my husband was interviewing in Texas and I wanted to find a turbokick instructor/local friend if we had to move. We did not end up moving, but I felt better knowing I would have fun if things went the other way. So, Turbokick is my fav! Thanks Nic, too bad I won't actually meet you:o)

    Melissa in NC

  7. OK, total blog stalker as well...I am friends with Lauren's sister Elizabeth. Love the Cardio Junkies blog and think it is a great way to offer encouragement and tips for working out. I will definitely be becoming a follower as I am trying to get back into shape after having twin boys in November. I work out at the Y (love spinning) and really want to try turbo kick...hopefully sometime soon!

    Oh...and one my favorite workout songs...When I Grow Up by The Pussycat Dolls...


  8. Really like the music. I am 6 months prego so reading this is really getting me motivated to get MY body back and make time for me. As like you I am a hip hop, rap music gal. I have never tried Turbokick but it looks like something I would enjoy. Thanks for all the tips I am going to keep reading for all the great ideas for losing the baby weight(plus a few to much mexican and margarita)pounds but I am just going to blame it on babies. Makes me feel better.

  9. I am reading and really enjoying your blog! It encourages me to try new things and be diligent about reaching your goals. I love to run but i know i need to vary it up to help keep my same weight - of course i was close to loosing all of my baby weight for #2 and then i am pregnant again with #3 and still nursing - so i am super hungry! if you have any tips for good snacks i am all for that! thanks for doing this! i think it is great!
    ps - i was going to try to do one of the classes at my Y up here in dallas but we don't have turbo kick here - what class would you recommend being similar? is zumba good? i might try that - i am not usually one who likes the classes but i am going to give it a try . . .

  10. I am blog stalker! I love reading this blog. I just had a baby 4 months ago and am now working on getting that baby weight off. So this is just the motivation I need! Thanks Nicki!

  11. I have stalked your blog for a while and was so glad to see you created a blog to highlight your workout knowledge! I had a baby 6 months ago and the breastfeeding just isn't cutting it for me either. I have been working out at the Y in my town but they don't have turbokick! I would love to try it so I will keep my eyes peeled for a class to start.
    My absolute favorite workout song is "Apple Bottom Jeans" :0)

  12. I am already a follower, but wanted to comment because I love the idea of this blog. It is for beginners which is exactly what I am. Too bad it has taken my son's 16mth birthday to actually commit to losing the baby weight. I event went to the Frisco Y yesterday to sign up only to find out that my husband's job gets us a family membership for FREE! No excuses now!!

  13. Hi Nicki! I have commented a few times before on your family blog and I am SUPER excited about your new blog. My hubbie and I just rejoined the Y in Round Rock and we are super excited. I got my butt kicked in Body Pump last night and I'm excited for more! I just quit nursing after a year and am ready to shed those extra pounds! Thanks for the inspiration and tips!!

  14. Hi Ladies! Emily Boyd here and I have enjoyed reading this blog. My goal is to drop 10 lbs before my wedding on May 22nd. That will put me at my weight when my fiance and I first met almost 6 years ago. It's now or never I figure! Thanks for taking the time to blog about fitness!

  15. I'm here. Almost (but not quite) begrudgingly, but I'm here.

    I've always prided myself of being able to rely solely on myself for the discipline and motivation to stay fit and healthy. After I lost my CaroPop weight (plus an extra 20 pounds), I kept it off for 3.5 years. But about 6 months ago it started creeping back.

    The difference now is that unlike before (when I was staying at home and then only working part-time at the Mayborn), now I'm trying to finish my dissertation, commuting to Scott&White for my practicum, and trying to be present for each and every activity/party/recital/moviedate that Caroline has.

    It's been a rough time of introspection - realizing that I've spent my adult life judging other people's reasons for staying healthy. Now, I feel like I have every excuse in the book. "I live so far from the Y"... "I can't afford a gym membership"..."The SLC doesn't have childcare"..."My husband takes night classes so I don't have help in the evenings"..."I only sleep four nights a week so I'm too tired"..."I'd rather spend the time with Caroline reading or playing"...

    But it's time to face facts:
    1. Being part of a community like this is helpful. And *gasp*... fun.
    2. If I'd spend less time on Facebook, I'd have that extra 30 minutes to do a workout in my office.
    3. Caroline like exercising. She's be just as happy to ride her bike while I jog as she is if we cuddle on the sofa and read. She just loves time with her mama. And what better way to incorporate good lifestyle choices into her view of daily life?
    4. I'm moving to Indiana in 5 months. If I don't get a handle on these things now, I'll have little hope when I'm working 9 to 5 and it's 20 degrees outside.

    Okay. That was probably *way* more than you had in mind - but for my own accountability, I felt like I needed to just put it out there.

  16. Of course, you know I am reading!! Just got my first treadmill workout in over a year today. I can't do the Y, but I'll be following the blog and working out from home. I've got to get me some turbokick videos soon!

  17. LOVE THESE COMMENTS. Keep 'em coming, ya'll!!!
